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What happened to doing things  just for the fun of it?

Type Posters

A collection of poster designs, just for fun and exploration.

Type Posters

Mood Clock

Check it out below (desktop)

Using p5.js, I wanted to code a website that acted as a clock/dashboard, displaying to the user what time of day it was depending on the colors and text. The hope was to create a calming space that could be left on the users computer as a kind of screensaver.

Screen Shot 2020-11-09 at 3.59.40 PM.png
IMG_1777.jpeg (1).gif

Early mockup of the site.

Mood Clock

Birth Stone Guide

Using three.js, I created a website that allows the user to input their birth month and outputs a 3d model of their birth stone, with information about the stone. The model is able to zoom in and out using a scroll, or dragging the mouse to move the stone around.

April (Diamond) 

May (Emerald)

Birth Stone Guide

Home With You

Check it out below (desktop)

I wanted to create a lyrical site for one of my favorite artists, FKA twigs, and her song "Home With You". Oftentimes, we don't read the lyrics separate from the music, yet the lyrics deepen our understanding of the song and the poetry. Thus, I created an interactive site where you must choose options based on questions posed in the song, using the original lyrics. 

Home With You
Fire Escape

Fire Escape

I wanted to create a website inspired by a physical space in real life. I chose the fires escape because it is such a unique staple in New York City life. A place to decompress, step away, reflect, breathe, and be outside without being seen. I wanted to capture the essence of this space and translate it into a website.

The final website mirrors the physical space's point of entry, adding some friction and contortion to enter the space. The user must catch the enter button when it's right at the center of the page to enter. The site then asks for the user's name before entering the digital space, to make the space feel personalized. Once you're 'in' the fire escape, you can self-reflect by writing a letter to yourself, walk around different cities to people watch, or get an inspirational quote.  


Entering and exiting the fire escape physically requires a portal, in this case, a window. It's an uncomfortable entrance and exit yet once you are in the space, you must be completely present because there are only so many objects that could be taken onto the fire escape. 

Once you're on the fire escape, there is a limited amount of activities you could perform. You could bring a book on there, or other smaller objects, sunbathe, people watch, play music.  For the most part, you can only perform solitary activities, leaving a lot of space to reflect  while being outside but not seen.


Non-profit fundraiser

I was asked to create two posters for SheFunds's fundraiser, a nonprofit that empowers women through selling artwork commissioned by artists and giving the proceeds of the artwork to various charities. The charity I chose was "Futures Without Violence", a nonprofit that helps victims of domestic violence, which is an issue close to my heart. I wanted the work to be uplifting, so the posters I created focused on the healing and growth that happens after trauma. 

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